Applying to Cambridge or Oxford webinar series

30th January 2023; 17:30-18:30 (S4 and S5): Introducing Cambridge and Oxford

An introduction to University more generally and the differences between studying at a Scottish University and a non-Scottish UK university. An introduction to both the universities of Cambridge and Oxford (Colleges, teaching style etc.), student finance and financial support available for Scottish students

5th June 2023; 17:30-18:30 (S5): Applying to Cambridge or Oxford: Personal Statements and Super-Curricular Exploration

Practical tips on how to write a personal statement, what Cambridge and Oxford (and other top universities!) are looking for in a personal statement. Ideas for exploring your subject beyond the school curriculum and how to write about this in your personal statement (super-curricular exploration).

4th September 2023; 17:30-18:30 (S6): Applying to Cambridge or Oxford: Assessments and Interviews

More details on the application process, including top tips for admissions assessments and interviews!

A link to the signup form (students can sign up for multiple events on the same form) can be found here: